Wood Drying Services


African Timber Export and Shipping Company. Your Trusted Partner in Global Timber Export

Being a leader in the wood export industry in and around Cameroon, we also provide efficient wood drying services for local timber businesses and woodworkers. To avail our high-quality & low-cost timber drying services, please contact now!

It refers to the process of drying or seasoning the wood in order to reduce its moisture content before it can be used. The machine used for drying is called kiln. Air drying is another popular method drying wood.

Why You Need Wood Drying Service

Fresh trees and logs contain a lot of water, almost 50% of their weight. Freshly milled wood or timber has a high moisture content, which makes it difficult to use the wood for firewood or woodworking purposes.

Whether you are acquiring wood for burning or woodworking, it needs to be dried through proper means to reduce the moisture content and increase its usability.

When used in construction, the wood must be properly dried to minimize the moisture amount in order to prevent it from shrinking. High moisture absorption in wood can cause unequal shrinkage, which may lead to damage to the wood.

Similarly, wood intended to be used for burning must have minimal moisture content. High moisture in the wood will make it difficult to burn, as a lot of energy will be wasted in heating the water vapour in the wood.

Wood Drying with AfricanTimberExport

At AfricanTimberExport, we follow both traditional and modern methods for drying timber. The two most common methods used by us are:

1) Air Drying

This involves exposing the timber sheets to a high flow of air by either natural or mechanical means. Furthermore, the planks are coated with a moisture-resistant substance for protection against moisture.

2) Kiln Drying

This is the advanced and most prefered method of wood drying at AfricanTimberExportl.

In this, we use a special setup called kiln, where specialised heating conditions are used to artificially dry the wood without harming its quality or strength.

Why AfricanTimberExport for Wood Drying

AfricanTimberExport l is a leading provider of woodworking and processing services in Cameroon (Africa). We also export high-quality African wood in a range of varieties to woodworking businesses worldwide.

We have been in the business for more than 20 years and are trusted by hundreds of woodworking businesses worldwide for timely and quality delivery of high-end wood species, timber and related services such as wood brokerage, timber grading & treatment, wood drying, transportation, and more.

One of the things that makes AfricanTimberExport a popular choice of woodworkers around the globe is our affordable rates along with timely delivery.

For availing our premium Wood drying services, you can contact us right away!

Be in touch

+1 727 371-3760

Bonaberi, Douala, Cameroon